Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'09 Christmas Party

Caroling around town

Mom & Ayva with the horses

Singing to construction workers

Caroling to cows

The "ladies" and Mary

The "grooms"

Mary (Sean)

Zechariah & Elisabeth

King Herod & his servant

The innkeeper and his wife (it's hard to tell in this photo, but Spencer had pans in his shirt. It was HILARIOUS!!)

The stable

Animals in the stable

The star shines down on the stable

Dad as the Baby Jesus

Angels sing & the Angel Gabriel speaks with the shepherds

The shepherds worship the Baby Jesus

Mom as the Narrator

The three Wisemen

King Harod & his servant speak with the Wisemen

The Wisemen give gifts to the Baby Jesus

The teenagers...

Rebecca enjoys her nap

And Anthony enjoys his nap

Ayva enjoys her nap too

Santa's visit!

Hailey & Abbie liked playing with the blocks from santa

This one speaks for itself

Conner is a stud!!

Kevan, that spot in the middle is for you!

Nice to see everyone's happy smiling faces in all the following photos... none of these are really usable... see Chris, Curtis, Rebecca & Susann. Nice guys!!

Handsome boys!! (Kevan, we need a photo of you to fit in here!!)

Sandy is mid blink

Twila is mid sentence

Rebecca's eyes are closed

Finally!! A good photo of Mom & Dad's beautiful daughters!!

Mom & Dad

Mom & Dad

Mom & Dad




  1. Thanks Alisha and Anthony, you guys did a great job!

  2. INDEED!!! You guys are awesome! Thank you for all the time and effort it took to get all of these fantastic photos!

  3. Oh those are soooo awesome. Thanks for sharing.
