Recently Anthony had a bone marrow biopsy, Muga and PET scan, all previously explained here. Results; bone marrow biopsy was clean, Muga shows a perfectly working heart, and the PET scan showed the only conclusive cancerous cells are the ones in the mediastinum (the tumor originally in question). He also has an upper left lobe infection in the lungs, and some of the other lymph nodes had some potential growths, but that was inconclusive. So, they'll be treating the Hodgkin's Lymphoma as if the large mediastinal tumor were the only one.
On 1/6/12 Anthony had a
PowerPort installed. The port itself is placed below the clavicle, and the catheter is drawn up the neck and inserted directly into the Jugular vein.
Triangle nubbs can be felt through the skin, needle inserted in center.
1/11/12 was the first Chemotherapy session. Two sessions equals a cycle and Anthony will have four cycles, so eight treatments total. He's on the ABVD regime, which is explained
here along with possible side effects. Some side effects already experienced are nausea, fatigue, sore mouth, taste changes, numbness in hands, and discolored urine. Hair loss/changes are expected in the next few weeks. Because Anthony has such thick hair he may just have thinning and will not need to shave his head. We'll see what happens.
The nurse had Anthony chew on ice during the Adriamycin administration as this could lessen mouth sores or blisters.
We have an appointment with the Oncologist, Dr, Ikeguchi on 1/23 and the next Chemo session is 1/25. Along with all the negative side effects there have been some positives noted; Anthony's cough has 90% cleared up. Dr. Ideguchi said that might happen.