Monday, October 5, 2009

Good 'ol Rich County

Normally the bus ride to school wasn't so bad. Everyone knew everyone's name, including the 6 different bus drivers depending on your route & the time of day (i.e Laketown to the Junction was either Lois or Harry, and the Junction to Randolph was either Geo or Traci, then there were 2 subs who filled in sometimes, and who drove the late bus home)

However, in the winter time it was HORRIBLE!! The old Rich County School District buses were a little older, and not the most reliable.

I remember quite a few occasions waiting at the Junction for 15 minutes in freezing weather (literally) for the other bus to arrive. I also remember having to transfer buses twice because the bus we had just transferred into wouldn't start, or the heater wouldn't work, or there was a fluid leak. In these situations we had to get out of the bus so the driver could go trade buses, or just so we'd be out of danger.
Even with half the student body huddling together I can still remember my boogies literally freezing in my nose while I stood there waiting. It was not a pleasant experience.

It was frequently -17 on these days, I also remember on one occasion the temperature being -24. Randolph is the coldest inhabited city in Utah, the weather guy said so.

Anyway the photo below is the Mark Lee's trusty steed. It was taken October 5th, 2009 in Randolph, UT.

You can see from the ground and bushes that the white stuff is not snow. Unfortunately it is ice. Thick, frozen ice!! Ah, good ol' Rich County.

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