Tuesday, January 19, 2010


As you will see I've made a few changes to the blog. One of which is the Individual blogs members of our family have (the the direct right of this post).

If you have a blog that you would like posted here let me know (obviously I don't have it...)
If you would rather yours not be posted here let me know that as well.

Hopefully (Lis & Jess I'm mostly talking to you here cause it's been FOREVER since you've posted on yours) this will motivate you to blog some more so everyone knows how you're doing!!

They're ordered w/ whoever posted most recently

Anthony & Alisha Eversole
Sleepy Bears (Lil Fields-Bear)
Funky Craft Mama (Krystal)
Erica's Life
Hello, from this family to yours!!! (Perry & Michelle)
The Aitken's (Lis & Ben)
Frank and Jess Wilkerson

OH, and just because you post on your individual blog doesn't mean you can neglect the family blog... I feel like no one really uses it and am wondering if it was stupid idea to begin with.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the family blog! Just because no one is posting doesn't mean they're not reading it. But I agree. I feel like you and I are the ones who ever write anything...
