Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree....

Christmas morning I awoke with a sense of exhilaration... wait, no I didn't!! I didn't wake up on Christmas cause I had never gone to sleep!!

I was supposed to get off work at 11:00PM Christmas Eve but the girl who was coming in for the grave slept through her alarm and didn't make it in until 12:30.

I was supposed to have driven home and swapped the car with Anthony so he could get to work by 11:00PM but he had to ride his bike because I was stuck at work.

Ordinarily we have enough time for a quick hug, kiss and 'I love you' as I get out of the car and he gets in, but not that day.

Our house was a wreck so I spent quite a while doing laundry, cleaning up and organizing everything.
We didn't have a christmas tree so I got creative and made one out of some green printer paper I had. I got some crayons and drew strings of cranberries about the tree and an orange star on top because the yellow wouldn't show over the green... kind of pathetic, but better than nothing!!

I had about 15 minutes until it was time to pick Anthony up so I taped the tree to the computer desk, hung our stockings and arranged the presents below them then changed the laundry over.

I picked Anthony up from work and was surprised at how excited I was as we exchanged Christmas greetings.

At home I covered Anthony's eyes as we walked into the living room (I didn't remember this was an Eversole tradition until after) walked him up close to the computer desk and uncovered his eyes.

His first comment was something about the tree looking like the Grinch's, then noticed the apartment was clean and said it was great to have a clean place to open our fun Christmas gifts.

Anthony changed into pajamas and we sat down and began opening gifts, and got some mighty fun things!!

As soon as the gifts were all opened we headed straight for bed and slept until late afternoon when it was time for me to go back to work.

I got off work at 11:00PM and we decided, since we were both wide awake and we had the next day off, we'd drive to Bear Lake and visit my family, which is exactly what we did.

We didn't arrive until 2:00AM and accidentally woke everyone up upon our arrival because of the Christmas bells on the back door. Oh well, it was surprise enough!!

The next day we enjoyed eating, talking, playing games, movies and napping before heading back home for Anthony to work at 11:00PM.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this Christmas one of the most enjoyable and memorable Christmas I've had since I was a kid!!

Next year we have a few new decorations to put out, and we for sure want an actual tree... though our paper one was pretty fun!!

1 comment:

  1. It does look like the Grinch's tree!!! And you didn't mention Susann's stealth... or the lack thereof.
