Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our first three months in the fiery depths

I should start out by saying that Oklahoma isn't Hell, but by golly is it hot. It was up to 116* last week. And the humidity!! Lozzy day is it humid here! Today it was actually 96* and I was wishing I had a cardigan. I'm ruined I think.

Anyway, since we've been here in Oklahoma we've gotten to see some pretty cool things. We've made quite a few trips to OKC (Oklahoma City) and have seen the Stock Yards, Bricktown, and the OKC National Memorial. We also went to the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History here in Norman (I'll post about those later).

I also invited myself on a trail ride with Erica & her friend Megan. So very glad I did.

I learned to saddle a horse. Pretty cool stuff.
I got to ride Ellie, a regular sized horse while Erica & Megan rode these ponies. It was hilarious though... Their heads only reached my ribcage as we rode along.
Megan is such a stud, she rode bareback. Her fanny was so sweaty by the end of the ride.
Look at all that sweat where the saddle was. Sad!!
Thanks for the day Miss Ellie. I enjoyed your company.

Ok, now let's talk about "critters."
This Alligator Snapping Turtle was in the middle of he road the other day. My visiting teaching companion & I were on our way to a visit and I just had to pull over to get a photo. She, having been raised in TX/OK, warned me not to get too close... apparently these are mean little guys.
(I stole this one from the internet so you'd have a better idea of how blasted ugly/creepy/cool these guys are)

I saw my first Armadillo!! Too bad it was dead. That didn't stop me from pulling over (and totally blocking traffic I might add. Oklahoma doesn't believe in shoulders or turn lanes) and getting this shot. Apparently Armadillos are nocturnal so there's a much higher chance of seeing them out in the country at night.
I've not turned into one of those people who stop to ogle and take photos of cows, I promise. All these poor cows were sharing shade of this tree and I thought it was too beautiful not to share. It's really quite sad when there are literally 50 cows sharing shade like this.

This is Herbert. He lives under our door, but most recently he's been living in the weird space under the neighbor's door, there's more bugs over there. That guy must not have used half a gallon of Raid when he moved in.

A few random notes.
Oklahomans are WORSE THAN IDAHOANS when it comes to double parking.

Also, there's something about old cars and HUGE rims.
Interestingly this is not the only car I've seen like this.

I've discovered Flea Markets. This is my favorite so far, it's on SE 44th in OKC.
The first day I walked in I thought of my dad & dad-in-law. I think they'd both cry if they saw this place. It was SO cool!!!
The first time we went we spent over an hour wandering around but didn't get much of anything.

The second time there we found this gem for $20. Bobby, the little old fellow who sold it to me, had an accent as thick as molasses, I liked him.
We call this painting the SS Leonard, it hangs in our breakfast nook (wherein we do not have a table and therefore do not eat breakfast).

Last but not least, did you know I married a super hero?

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