Saturday, February 13, 2010

Possibly the worst day ever :(

Today I have been in a grumpy mood... it is all because of yesterday!!!!! I got up around 5 and went to the gym, which was great, and got my Poe reading done, then I came home with the intention of taking a shower, getting ready, and reading some Lais of Marie de France for Dr. Cooper-Rompato's class. I hadn't even begun to read the book yet but figured it wasn't due unto 4:30 that afternoon so I would be fine. Wrong!!! I took a shower and dried my hair but decided to finish getting ready until after I read. I lasted for maybe... 25 minutes before I fell sound asleep. I woke up when some of my residents started banging on the apartment door because we had an appointment. Needless to say, after our meeting I was frantically running through the apartment trying to get ready in time to catch the bus. I was successful! So I had two classes back to back and then had an hour break before my counseling appointment. Yes, for those of you who don't know I go to the counseling center. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in my first appointment, but since then my appointments have seemed pointless. Yesterday however, things changed. I sat down in my usual chair and waited for whatever silly breathing exercise he was ready to teach me. Sure enough, he says "Today Erica, if you have nothing you want to discuss, I want to start with another exercise." great. "Close your eyes" he said "and go to your safe place... now think of a time when you did not feel happy... what was going on? How did you feel? What would you say to so and so in such a situation if you could?
Ok, now think of a time when you had a similar feeling when in a situation with just one of your parents." This one took me a lot longer because... well I was never really alone with only one of my parents. So I thought of one... and started to get a little teary. "Now" he said, "try to think of a situation, a recent one with absolutely anyone, when you felt the same way" and here I broke into tears. The tears streamed down my face. Tear after tear after tear. I couldn't stop them. The room started spinning and I felt in complete un-control. Finally I was allowed to go back to my "safe spot" and then "3...2....1... come back to the room". Everything was still spinning, tears still streamed down my face, and my counselor had such a sad look on his face. "Well" he said "Now we can see where your issues of self-sacrifice came from... and your abandonment issues too." Yeah. Rough. After I got the mascara off my cheeks and calmed down enough I again read the book for Cooper-Rompato's class in the hour I had before class began.
Class went well. There is a boy in class who I think is super cute and we're kinda friends (we're more texting friends. It's awkward in person), but he likes a different girl in our class. He, of course, doesn't know I like him so he asked me to help him get a relationship going with this girl. We decided to invite a bunch of people, including her, over to my apartment for Japanese dinner one of these days so they can interact in a non-classroom situation. Until then, Just this boy and I and one of our other friends come to my apartment after class and do dinner. yesterday was no different. They came over and helped make udon and opened my bedroom door which got jambed shut, ate dinner and then had to run home to do homework while I went to staff meeting.
This week instead of staff meeting we had staff meeting and went bowling. I got only an 80 :( Then we went to Village Inn "real quick" where I got the chicken caesar salad which, by the way, was not that good, and ended up staying until 11:40pm. One of my co-workers had asked me to come to his apartment when we got home because (happily) he feels like I am the only person he can tell some things to. So I went to his apartment around midnight and didn't get home to mine until almost 1:30. It was a good talk.
When I got home I decided to spray our apartment with Raid because of all the ants that seem to love us so dearly that we do not love in return. I didn't think about the smell before I acted though. The smell of our apartment was dizzying and choked me so much that I had to open all the windows to air the place out! It was starting to get very, very cold in the apartment so I decided to take a shower while the place aired out. This, my friends was a mistake. I got halfway undressed and went to put my towel in the bathroom when the unthinkable happened. The breeze from the open window caught my bedroom door... and closed it. Usually it would not be such a big deal, but again, like in the afternoon, it jambed shut. Great!!! I twisted and turned, juggled and jounced the doorknob and even went to the extent of throwing myself against the door trying to get it open. Nothing. My phone, keys and clothes were in that room. So I put on my coat and went into the lounge to call maintenance on-call. After the 6th ring the guy finally answered and came to my apartment. He tried, in vain, for 20 minutes or so to get the door open before he said he would either have to saw the doorknob off or break it off with a hammer. Great. But wait!!! my bedroom window was open! It's a good thing I am on the 1st floor because the maintenance guy was able to remove the screen, crawl through my window, and take the doorknob off from inside the room. However, once the doorknob was off we couldn't get it back on. I told him not to worry, that not having a doorknob until the next day wouldn't kill me. He had closed the window when he crawled through, and within minutes it stunk to high heaven of Raid so I had to re-open the windows. I left my bedroom window open and tried to sleep on the couch but could not get even close to sleep because I knew my window was hanging wide open with no screen, and that the Logan Lurker was still at large (don't worry, the police got him today) so I went into my room to sleep. I closed my bedroom window but kept the living ones all open and blocked my door open as well so I wouldn't suffocate on bug-killer. The only downfall... it was Freezing!!! I put on sweats, a hoodie and thick socks and climbed under a blanket, down comforter and quilt. By this time it was after 3am and it took me even longer to fall asleep. The next morning I was awoken by a phone call from my sister. I looked at the clock and read 7:54. I had to be on the bus by 8. Great. Needless to say, today was a baseball hat and hoodie day.
I came home after class and, feeling crappy, decided to clean the apartment from top to bottom. 2 and a bit hours or so later the apartment smelled of bleach and you could see the stove reflecting on the kitchen floor :) *sigh* yes! Then Cal called and invited me out to dinner so after I took a super fast shower (like seriously, super fast!) and brushing my hair and putting mascara on, I ran to El Toro Vijeda and had dinner with Cal, Christophe, Cory and Kelly. During dinner Andrew called and said his date for tonight was cancelled so I was the first one he called to do something. Awww :D so after dinner Andrew took me to see Sherlock Holmes. You know, even though we don't hang out much because his schedule is crazy, and so is mine, he is still my best friend. He really is an amazing guy! All my friends are amazing!!!
Anyway, so that is the story of my terrible, awful, horrible, no good, very bad day!!! :) Aren't you glad it didn't happen to you? Lol

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