Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fix this problem NOW!

Yesterday at work we decided to go for a walk. I was pushing the wheelchair, enjoying the nice weather and good (though sparse) conversation. Then we got to our first cross walk. It looked something like this;
For Pete's sake, how was I supposed to get the wheelchair around those silly cars (there was one going straight and one turning right) without putting Skylor or myself in danger? We'd have to practically go into oncoming traffic to get around that silly car. We could have done this;
and gone around behind the blinking car, but the curb was too high behind the car and I didn't want to risk dumping Sky out of his chair, plus another car came up and stopped directly behind the other car and there was no way the wheelchair was going to fit between them.
At the very next block something like this is what we saw;
And at the next block we saw something like this;
We even ran into this at one point;
The point of all my ranting and raving is this;
I would REALLY love to see the crosswalks look like this;
so this can happen without problem.
If you are one of those people that pull up over the crosswalk PLEASE STOP!!
The striped lines are there for a reason!!
I'm sure you've been on a bike ride before and had to stop and wait for a car to get out of the way so you could go, or had to swerve in front of, or behind a car parked in the way. Or best of all, thought you had seen the end of days when a person turning right came careening to a stop about three inches from your bicycle as you were trying to cross the street.
Everyone know that feeling? Being in a wheelchair is even scarier. It's like a part of your being (since these people generally spend a large majority of their time in their wheelchairs). Plus the bumper is right in front of your face.

So PLEASE park behind the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk you can still see the sidewalk and you know how far back you need to park!!

That is all. Thank you.

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