Monday, March 8, 2010

"Best Friend"

The other day I realized I use the term "best friend" rather loosley.
I call a lot of people my best friend.
This isn't good.
There should just be 1 best friend right? Well...
the more I think about it the more I want to answer
Here is my reasoning:

Meet Carrie. Carrie and I met in the MTC and started a wonderful friendship.
Carrie and I are a lot alike and she reminds me to be careful
with my wants and desires, and reminds me that what I reap... I sow.
We also complain to each other about anything and everything
and go on "help me!" dates with each other. I thank Carrie for my sanity.

Alisha, Lisbeth and Jessica are my best friends because we have been together
since I can remember...
We complain to each other, yell at each other, put each other in their respective "place"
and ultimately protect and support one another.
Whenever something really bad happens the 4 of us are there
to see each other through it... with minimal judgement, and then
complete forgiveness.

This is Brittan. He is my best friend because he has seen me through
thick and thin.
I met Brittan when John and I first started dating and
he has been with me ever since. Brittan is my best
friend because... even though I don't contact him as often as I should,
he understands. He is the calm, soothing voice in my life that
reminds me that things will always get better.

I have a soft spot for Luke. He is my best friend because... well just because he is.
No one will ever replace him. He makes me feel
unconditionally loved. He runs out to meet me in the car when I visit,
and cries when I leave.
Man I love this little guy!!

Andrew. Andrew and I met in class last year and were always together. I even became the honorary roommate of his apartment.
Andrew makes me want to be better. He is so intelligent that I always
feel like I need to improve my smarts. Andrew is my best friend because he understands me
and doesn't judge. He is my voice of reason and reckon.
I call Andrew for advice, or when I feel lonely.
He is the one who came offering ice cream and a shoulder to cry on when
Tomas left...
Andrew will always hold a special place in my heart.

This is my brother Curtis. Whenever I have a super crappy day it is Curtis
I want to call. He always makes me feel like a princess.
He also reminds me that I shouldn't let anyone treat me like anything less that a princess.
Curtis and I have even been known to drop everything and drive to Mom
and Dad's house to meet and walk down the canyon and talk for hours.
He reminds me that no matter how bad things are...
people still love me. And that forgiveness and love are always attainable.

And this is Dallin. He has only recently joined the ranks as 'best friend.'
Dallin and I met in the RM committee last year, but it wasn't until he became my
co-chair that we got close. I guess that was 1 good thing about our 6:30am meetings.
Dallin seems to only see the good in me.
He lets me complain and vent to him, accepts my weirdness, and
even goes with me to get pink cookies.
He goes on random adventures with me, is ok with no set plans,
saves me in awkward situations, makes me want to be a better person, and
even sacrifices sleep just to listen to me when I need him.
I can count on Dallin.
He even lets me sleep on his shoulder in class and movies,
gives great hugs when I need them, and space when I don't. Pretty much he
is just an all-around great guy!

And then there's this guy. He's perfect because he can never run away :)
He's solid and strong, understanding, forgiving,
fearless and brave. He's also taller than I am, which is a perk, and
remarkably strong :D

Ok ok so that last one was a little ridiculous, but I hope it brings my point home.
See, it proves that no one
is perfect... and because of that small, tiny, insignificant litte detail, more than
one best friend IS necessary.
I feel lucky to have so many. And for those of you who I didn't
write about... know that you are special in your own
way and that my life would not be the same without you!

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