Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ski Day

- This is really Perry's post, so read it as if it is from him -

Hello everybody

Kevan, Chris, Kelly and our families are planning to go skiing this Friday night, and I know at least dad would be feeling like, "hey, I wanted to strut my stuff while I freeze my tail off on the ski hill, how come you didn't invite me."

so here I am sending out a shout to anybody who would like to join us!

we are looking to go to the bunny hill (about 200 yards of no slope for the little ones and beginners, and it has a rope tow) for a little while then do the night ski for those who are brave enough to try SUNDANCE -I know, I could have picked a spot closer to everybody up north, but its not everyday you get to play at Robert Redford's house, eh! . . . alright that has absolutely nothing to do with it, but we thought 35 minutes is a lot better than 2 1/2 hours for the one way trip. you could probably give us the deserving title of lazy bones, selfish, etc - or just ask Better for whom, PERRY???

if you want to play, the bunny hill is free (that's right, no cost!) and I worked out a price of $15 per person for the night ski (4:30 to 9:00), but I will need to know if you are interested so we can have the right number of tickets at the office for all of us.

BYU does a total ski package (skis, boots, pools) for $10 for the day and I expect there are other places around that do similar deals

I have to admit that I would love to see dad strut his stuff on the ski hill!!!

One thing I neglected to mention is kids 5 and younger are free for the lift if you want to try it!

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