Saturday, March 6, 2010

Holy. Awkward. Moment. Batman!!!

Yesterday my friend Dallin and I went on a non-date date to the last hockey game of the season. we played the University of Utah and at least 6 people got ejected from the game! Fights were breaking out left and right and we ended up winning 7-4! Best game I've seen in a long time.

After the game Dallin and I went to my other friend Cal's house to watch a movie with him and Christophe. Yiding, Susanna and Cory weren't able to come for some reason or other. Darek and his girlfriend, whose name I have never heard, were there for a bit and we all chatted before we settled onto the couches to watch the movie. Cal and Darek keep their apartment pretty chilly so like always I curled up in the blue throw blanket only this time... Cal sat next to me because Cory wasn't there, and he's the one that usually shares a blanket with me. Now, don't get any crazy ideas. Cory has a girlfriend in Sweden and there is absolutely nothing between us; we both just always get cold. Anyway, I've noticed in the past few weeks that Cal has been paying me some more than usual attention, so when he pulled half of the blanket over to his side of the couch I pulled it back and gave 1/3 of it Dallin, who was on my other side. All went well for the first few minutes until I felt a hand slightly touching my leg. I didn't think anything of it; it was tight quarters with little arm space. Well, I DID notice when that hand ended up smack dab on my leg. *guh!!* I got up to "use the restroom" hoping that would help. I sat back down and, because it was a documentary on State Parks, promptly fell asleep to the sound of chirping birds and soothing music.

I woke up with my head nestled on Dallin's shoulder and Cal's hand on my thigh. *uhhhhhh... ahhhhh* so I pretended to sleep for a bit longer thinking of a solution and finally just stretched, pushing his arm away from me and said "oh, I fell asleep" and leaned forward onto my knees. Bad move. He promptly started scratching my back. I gave Dallin the "uhhhh what do I do... Holy crap!" face and he gave back the "what do you want me to do!?" face? I didn't have a clue he could help, other than putting his arm around me and pretending we're dating, which might be equally weird. So I leaned cracked my back, which caused the hand to move, and promptly sat back on the couch with my hands on my knees. Thankfully only about 6 minutes of the film were left because I didn't know what else to do.

The movie ended and I pretty much threw the blanket off and said it was time to go. Now, there's nothing against Cal, he's a great guy and I like him alot!!! But... isn't there some guy code that says that one guy shouldn't go after his buddy's girl? I know Cal through Tomas so... isn't that breaking the Bro Code?

So Dallin and I came home and watched Dan in Real Life and stayed up talking until almost 5. He is quickly climbing the ranks into my "best friend" category. Please don't give me crap about him being just another "buddy" everyone. Patience Patience.

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